Friday, November 14, 2014

Do you believe in the magic of language?

I do believe that words have power. I also believe that language has magic. The way it works can be seen in several phenomena. How we, moslems, get peace by reciting hamdalah,  how fathers (or trustee, muezzin) wed their children by asking sacred questions to the groom, and how Adolf Hitler can ‘hypnotized’ his followers are the phenomena of magic of language. 
Other phenomenon of the magic of language is how Thomas Jefferson, known as the 3rd president of United States of America, considered Al Quran as  his reading reference. He considered the Quran a law book more than a book of scripture because Muslim leaders claimed that the book was not only the word of God, but the supreme source of Islamic law. 
Well, do you believe in the magic of language?


About Me

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Hello everyone, my name is Imron Setiawan and I teach English in SMA Al Hikmah Surabaya. Well, I also work as advisor of Students Affair (or you may say OSIS). That makes me feel close with my students. In addition, I create this blog in order to facilitate my students so that they can learn not only in the classroom but also everywhere. Well, lastly, I hope this blog can help my students and you readers. Ciao!